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Awareness of the body: conscious activity

Körper wahrnehmen bewusste Aktivität

Foot work for almost all instruments

Right at the beginning, the good news: integrating conscious activities into practising is not an end in itself. It helps in many ways to develop the sometimes highly complex processes involved in making music and to better understand and internalise musical relationships. And now for the second piece of good news: basically, you don't need anything for this except the willingness to move your feet when practising. And now for the third piece of good news: you can also relax if you are prepared to work with foot rolls. This leads to a particularly intensive and effective practice.

  • rhythmical stability and coordination
  • independence between left and right
  • internalising musically phrases

All of the offers listed below specifically integrate footwork into a certain topic area, which is carefully worked out. At regular intervals, events take place that also integrate the feet. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

  • Piano

  • Link to "vibrato"

  • Link to "LHP"

  • foot rollers

Internalize rhythm

In this mini-subscription you will find out how to use the feet specifically in beginners' piano lessons and skilfully combine them with rhythm stability, coordination and phrasing.

In Events zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie die Fußarbeit als bewusste Aktivität beim Üben allgemein einsetzen können

In events, we show you how you can use foot work as a conscious activity when practising in general

Körperwahrnehmung beim Üben: Bewusste Aktivität

Erdmute Maria Hohage

Pizzicato World violin and viola, page 7f.

This [walking] is especially recommended when a strong motion involving the whole body is required (stepping on the spot), when the whole room is incorporated into the exercise (walking around the room) or when a certain coordination needs to be made clear in an straightforward way. Footwork involving the textured massage rollers can be used in more diverse ways. [...] Each individual "roll" has a clear beginning, covers a specific distance, and has a clear end. [...] The aim is to control the speed of the rolling to an ever-greater degree, i.e. to move the rollers evenly across the whole distance of one roll. 

Körperwahrnehmung beim Üben: Bewusste Aktivität

Further focal points on the topic "Body"

The topic "body" when practicing and making music also concerns us from other perspectives. 

What is good for him

Here we are experimenting with the question of how relaxation and practicing can be directly linked. 

Evoking the body

Here we are looking for ways to stimulate the body in such a way that it supports the practice in a meaningful way and benefits itself in the process.

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