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Body awareness and practicing. What is good for him

ema Musik What is good for the body

Tips for all instrumentalists

It can be little things that are good for the body: For example, remembering to warm it up before practising: If we're honest, we can admit that it's easier to practise when you have warm fingers. That's how we feel!

But it can also mean more: For example, looking for ways in which the body can relax while practicing. It is ideal if the activity of relaxing can also be used sensibly for practicing at the same time.

Finger muscles, hand muscles and the sole of the foot

Our exploration is not yet complete. However, we can already warmly recommend two topics to try out for yourself. They centre on paying special attention to the hands and feet and linking this specifically to practicing. 

In Events zeigen wir, wie Körperwahrnehmung und Üben verbunden werden können

In events, we show how body awareness and practising can be combined

Further focal points on the topic "Body"

Das Thema "Körper" beim Üben und Musizieren beschäftigt uns auch noch aus anderen Perspektiven. 

Conscious activity

Here we explore how to integrate conscious activities during practice in such a way that they directly benefit both the body and the success of the practice.

Evoking the body

Here we are looking for ways to stimulate the body in such a way that it supports the practice in a meaningful way and benefits itself in the process.

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